New Delhi: The IPL Commissioner Lalit Modi on Sunday night confirmed that a player has tested positive in WADA's random dope test, conducted during the inaugural Indian Premier League tournament.
However, Modi insisted that it was too early to say if the player failed the drug test as there are several procedures to follow to get to a conclusion.
A cricket website -- cricketnirvana.Com -- had earlier claimed that a player from sub-continent had failed the random dope test.
"Two days ago the IPL received a letter from a Swiss agency, mandated by WADA, which said one sample had tested positive. The IPL will follow set procedures from now on," Modi said.
Describing the procedure, Modi said, first of all the identity of the player with the sample has to be matched. Then the form, which the player filled before the tournament will be scrutinised for any pre-declared or prescribed drug. And if that matches the drug found in the sample, the matter ends there. In case that does not happen, the player is informed and a 'B' sample is sent for testing. If that, too, is positive the matter will be taken up by the IPL's drugs tribunal.
The tribunal will consist of a leading doctor, a former cricketer and a lawyer. The committee will study the issue and take a decision, for which there will be a separate appeals tribunal.
"This is just the procedure. As of now we are at the first stage where one sample has tested positive. The issue is now with the IPL's medical committee. The identity of the player will matter only after we check on the pre-declared drugs," he said.